Welcome to the World of PULSLOGISTIC


PULSLOGISTIC is a company that means reliability, expertise and commitment to excellence. Since the very first days of our existence we have been steadily pushing forward, exploring new opportunities and expanding the geography of our service.

We never cease our evolution. We continue extending our capabilities by adding new services, finding new routes, introducing innovations so as always to be a step ahead. Nothing is too good for us, and we are ready to advance together with our customers to explore new opportunities in the world of transportation services.

Our mission

We are a team of professionals committed to providing your business with reliable and effective logistics. We are perfectly aware that every shipment matters, that is why we strive for excellence at every stage of delivery.

We focus on complex transportation projects that require particular attention to details and coordination. We are proud of our ability to create customised solutions for every customer, thus guaranteeing reliability and safety of delivery

Our values

  • Reliability
    We build our relationship on mutual trust and reliability. Every shipment is a commitment we adhere to with utmost care.
  • Innovations
    We never cease to long for innovations, introducing state-of-the-art technology and best practices in our logistic solutions.
  • Flexibility
    Flexibility is the key to the ever-changing world of logistics. We adapt to the customers' needs and provide solutions that can effectively respond to the market changes.
  • Cooperation
    We appreciate partnership and cooperation as the basis of success. Joined efforts — together with our customers and partners — result in sustainable and mutually beneficial partnership.
We invite you to join PULSLOGISTIC — a company where history, mission and values combine to hit the common target — to ensure effective and successful logistic for your business.

Our certificates

The certificates prove our striving for supreme quality. We are proud of our success in providing reliable and excellent services.

Each certificate is a token of our devotion to quality which we recognise crucial and intrinsic to our work.
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